
San Diego

Week-long backpacking trip to the High Sierra & summiting Mt. Whitney

55 miles

Our Program

Beginning in February each year, we will start meeting once a month to build our hiking and wilderness skills. Below you will find a general outline of what to expect throughout the 7 months. (Some details are subject to change due to weather and logistics)


Hike: Eagle Rock  | 6.4 miles | 850 ft. elevation gain
Theme: Welcome to the program!


Hike: Big Laguna Trail (with backpacks) | 13.3 miles | 1,240 ft elevation gain
Theme: Introduction to basic Wilderness First Aid


Hike: Three Sisters Falls | 4.2 miles | 1,000 ft. elevation gain
Theme: Introduction to the principles of Leave No Trace


Hike: Mt. Cuyamaca Peak | 7.7 miles | 1,833 ft. elevation gain
Theme: Introduction to backcountry cooking and how to pack your backpack


*Special Mission Trails Community Service Trail Work day - all interested people are welcome!


Hike: Palomar Mountain Peak (with loaded backpacks) | 8.8 miles | 1,250 ft. elevation gain
Theme: Introduction to making camp and tent care


Hike: High Sierra & Mt. Whitney Summit | 55 miles | 7-day overnight trip


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